The fee schedule has increased for all Qualified Medical Evaluators (QMEs), who perform and conduct Medical-Legal reports for the California DWC Medical-Unit.


$2,015 per report

(Plus $3.00 per page, for every page over 200 pages, certified and reviewed)

If you are not already, you may want to consider becoming QME. The ICAC is the only Association approved by the DWC Medical-Unit to offer two different continuing education tracks.

TRACK 1: 44-hours (Zoom five days)


TRACK 2: 25-hours: 13 hours AMA Guides (Live), 8 hours-basic workers’ comp (Zoom) 4 hours Antibias & Case Law (Zoom).

The 44-hour series is a five-day seminar (Tuesday through Saturday), starting daily at 8:00 AM and ending at 6:00 PM.

The 25-hour series includes Zoom classes scheduled at your convenience, and 13-hour live classes primarily scheduled Weds. 1-6:20 four pm. & Thurs. from 8 AM-5:20 PM.

The dates of the State QME examinations are in October and April of each year (as announced by the DWC Medical Unit). review at the QME application and examination packet, visit: > workers’ comp > Medical Unit > Qualified Medical Evaluators > QME Exam

PLEASE NOTE: pay and register online at:, or you may be placed on a waiting list for future notifications. Please contact Ms. Pat Banta, Administrative Assistant, at (916) 362-8816. You may also download a full syllabus, online.

Precision Health I Analyze. I Adjust. I Restore, Precisely

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