
Zoom: CBCE Lic. Renewal (4 hrs) 02-11-2025

02-11-2025 5:00 pm -9:00 pm
Zoom: Link details to be E-mailed
$79/4 hours, Free to Current ICAC members



5:00 pm - 6:40 pm Ethics/Legal: Charles Davis, DC

6:45 pm - 8:35 pm History/Examination: Charles Davis, DC

Zoom: CBCE & QME Basic Work Comp (8 hrs) 02-20-2025

02-20-2025 8:00 am -5:10 pm
Zoom: Link details to be E-mailed
9-20-2025 (8 of 25 Hours for Certification that is the requirement for DCs who want to be QMEs ) Register online or call 916-362-8816.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


This 8-hour seminar also covers the mandatory 8 hours required by the State Board

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM            A) Ethics/Law  History of Reforms, Laws, Rules & Regs. 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

8:50 AM  - 9:40 AM           B) Principles of Practice  Workers' Comp terminology, Intro to Rating Disability 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

9:45 AM  - 10:35 AM          A) History & Exam  Intro to Spinal Exam and Impairment 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

10:35 AM  - 11:25 AM        B) Principles of Practice  Intro to Apportionment (LC §§4663 & 4664) 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

11:30 AM  - 12:20 PM        A) Ethics/Law  Reporting Obligations of Physician

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

12:20 PM - 1:00 PM          Lunch

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM           A) History & Exam  Doctor's 1st report & Progress report (PR-2) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM           A) History & Exam  Permanent and Stationary Reports (PR-3 & PR-4) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

3:10 PM - 5:10 PM           A) Ethics/Law  Chiropractic WC studies, court decisions, filing grievances & Q&A

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

By attending this Basic WC seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 8 of 25 zoom hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 8 zoom hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 8 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Precision Health: analyze. adjust. restore, precisely.

LIVE: QME Licensure, CBCE Re-Licensure & IIE Certification 2-22/23-2025

02-22-2025 1:00 pm - 02-23-2025 5:20 pm
Embassy Suites Milpitas - Silicon Valley
2-22/23-2025 (13 of 25 Hours for Certification for DCs who want to be a QME) Register Online or Call 916-362-8816.

$1495 (includes all 3 days & CBCE credit)
$219 (CBCE credit only / $79 for ICAC members)

Embassy Suites, San Jose/Milpitas
901 E. Calaveras Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035

This 13-hour QME seminar covers LIVE 13 hours/13 mandatory CBCE hours

Saturday 2/22/2025 - (6 hours) Live: James Musick, DC, QME

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM        Introduction AMA Guides, impairment

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM        AMA Guides, impairment (cont.)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM        Impairment AMA Guides, Cervical Spine


4:20 PM – 5:20 PM        Impairment AMA Guides, Lumbar Spine

5:20 PM – 6:20 PM        Impairment AMA Guides, Upper Extremities

6:20 PM – 7:20 PM        Impairment Lower Extremities Boot Camp

Sunday, 2/23/2025 - (7 hours) Live: James Musick, DC, QME

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM        AMA Conversion Rules

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM      AMA Combining Rules

Break 10:00 AM – 10:20 AM 

10:20 AM – 11:20 AM     Apportionment under the AMA Guides

11:20 AM – 12:20 PM    Apportionment under L.C. §§4663 – 4664

Lunch 12:20 PM – 1:00 PM

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM       Ethical Billing under 8 CCR §§9793 – 9795

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM       Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM       Report Writing 8 CCR §46 - Review Take-Home Exam

By attending this 13 hour seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 13 of 25 live hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 13 live hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 13 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Precision Health: analyze. adjust. restore, precisely.

Zoom: CBCE & QME Basic Work Comp (8 hrs) 2-25-2025

02-25-2025 8:00 am -5:20 pm
Zoom: Link details to be E-mailed
2-25-2025 (8 of 44 Hours for Certification that is the requirement for DCs who want to be QMEs ) Register online or Call 916-362-8816.

Zoom Live Interactive Seminar

This 8-hour Basic Work-comp seminar also covers mandatory 8 hrs. required by the State Board (CBCE)


Tuesday 2/25/25 - (8 hours) Basic Worker’s Compensation: James Musick, DC, QME

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM        Introduction: including History of Reforms, Laws, Rules and Regs

                                       Ethics and Law

9:00 AM – 10 00 AM      Work Comp. Terminology, Intro. to Rating Disability

                                       Principles and Practice


10:20 AM – 11:20 AM    Introduction to Spinal Examinations and Impairment

                                      History and Physical Examination

11:20 AM – 12:20 PM    Introduction: Apportionment under Labor Code §§4663 and 4664

                                       Principles and Practice


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM        Reporting Obligations of the Physician

                                       Ethics and Law

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM        Doctor’s First Report (DFR) and Progress Reports (PR-2)

                                       History and Physical Examination


3:20 PM – 4:20 PM        Permanent Stationary Reports (PR-3 & PR-4)

                                       History and Physical Exam

4:20 PM – 5:20 PM        Chiropractic WC Studies, Court Decisions & Filing Grievances 

                                       Ethics and Law

Certificate of Completion: “Fundamentals California Worker’s Compensation System” (8 hrs)

Certificate may be applied to other CE providers teaching either the 25 or 44 hour QME seminar series as approved by the DWC Medical-Unit [see 8 CCR 14. Doctors of Chiro (b)(2)(A)].

 Certificate of Attendance:     8 Hours License Renewal by the CBCE as follows:


TOTAL CBCE Hours (by Subject Category):

Ethics and Law                      3 hours      Category A (CBCE)

History and Physical Exam    3 hours      Category A (CBCE)

Ethical Billing and Coding      0 hours      Category A (CBCE)

Special Population Care        0 hours       Category A (CBCE)

Principles of Practice             2 hours       Category A (CBCE)

Zoom: CBCE & QME Lic. Renewal (4 hrs) 02-27-2025

02-27-2025 3:00 pm -7:20 pm
Zoom: Link details to be E-mailed
$79/4 hours, Free to Current ICAC members



3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Anti-Bias: James Musick, DC

5:00 pm - 5:20 pm Break 

5:20 pm - 7:20 pm Case Law: James Musick, DC