continuing education seminar43 LIVE

LIVE: CBCE Training (1 Day - 12 hrs 3-22-2025) & QME Training (2 days - 13 hrs) 3-21/22-25

03-21-2025 1:00 pm - 03-22-2025 5:00 pm
3-21/22-2025 (13 of 25 Hours for Certification for DCs who want to be a QME) includes 13-14 Hours CBCE Relicensure Credit). Register Online or Call 916-362-8816.

Friday and Saturday, March 21-22, 2025

Holiday Inn Orange County Airport
2726 South Grand Avenue
Santa Ana, California 92705
(714) 481-6300

This is a 13-hour QME & CBCE seminar that covers LIVE 12-13 mandatory CBCE hours

Friday, March 21, 2025 - (6 hours) Live: 

                                       Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM        Introduction AMA Guides, impairment

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM        AMA Guides, impairment (cont.)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM        Impairment AMA Guides, Cervical Spine


4:20 PM – 5:20 PM        Impairment AMA Guides, Lumbar Spine

5:20 PM – 6:20 PM        Impairment AMA Guides, Upper Extremities

6:20 PM – 7:20 PM        Impairment Lower Extremities Boot Camp

Saturday, March 22, 2025 - (7 hours) Live: 

                                       Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM        AMA Conversion Rules

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM      AMA Combining Rules

Break 10:00 AM – 10:20 AM          

10:20 AM – 11:20 AM     Apportionment under the AMA Guides

11:20 AM – 12:20 PM    Apportionment under L.C. §§4663 – 4664

Lunch 12:20 PM – 1:00 PM            

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM       Ethical Billing under 8 CCR §§9793 – 9795

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM       Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM       Report Writing 8 CCR §46 - Review Take-Home Exam

This 8-hour CBCE seminar covers LIVE 8 hours/6 mandatory CBCE hours

By attending this QME seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 13 of 25 live hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 13 live hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 13 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Saturday, March 22, 2025 (All-in-one-day)

This 12-hour LIVE seminar also covers the mandatory 12 hours required by the CBCE

8:00 AM – 9:40 AM       Wellness/Anti-Aging

                                      Instructor: Thumper Bloomquist, D.C., FICAC


9:45 AM - 11:25 AM       Wellness/Anti-Aging

                                      Instructor: Thumper Bloomquist, D.C., FICAC


11:30 AM – 12:20 PM    Ethics/Legal

                                       Instructor: Charles Davis, D.C., FICAC

Lunch:                            Brown Baggers (You are on your own)

1:00 PM – 1:50 PM        Ethics/Legal

                                       Instructor: Charles Davis, D.C., FICAC


1:55 PM – 3:35 PM        History/Examination

                                       Instructor: Charles Davis, D.C., FICAC


3:40 PM – 5:20 PM        Chiropractic Adjustive Technique

                                        Instructor: Charles Davis, D.C., FICAC


5:25 PM – 7:05 PM       Chiropractic Adjustive Technique

                                         Instructor: Thumper Bloomquist, D.C., FICAC


Zoom: QME Certification & CBCE License Renewal (25 hrs.) 3-27/28/29-2025 (All in Three Days)

03-27-2025 8:00 am - 03-29-2025 5:20 pm
Zoom: Link details to be E-mailed
Zoom: 25 hours of CBCE credit and QME Certification for DCs who want to be a QME - Register Online or Call 916-362-8816.

$1495 (includes all 3 days & CBCE credit)
$219 (CBCE credit only / FREE for ICAC members)

Zoom (Live Interactive – Cameras must be on at all times)

Thursday, March 27, 2025 – Fundamentals In California Basic Worker's Compensation

This 8-hour QME session also covers Zoom 8 mandatory CBCE hours

 8:00 AM -  9:00 AM            A) Ethics/Law  History of Reforms, Laws, Rules & Regs. 

9:00 AM  - 10:00 AM           B) Principles of Practice  Workers' Comp terminology, Intro to Rating Disability 

Break (10 minutes)

10:10 AM  - 11:10 AM          A) History & Exam  Intro to Spinal Exam and Impairment 

11:10 AM  - 12:10 PM        B) Principles of Practice  Intro to Apportionment (LC §§4663 & 4664) 

Lunch (40 minutes)

12:50 PM  - 1:20 PM        A) Ethics/Law  Reporting Obligations of Physician

1:20 PM -2:20 PM           A) History & Exam  Doctor's 1st report & Progress report (PR-2) 

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM           A) History & Exam  Permanent and Stationary Reports (PR-3 & PR-4) 

3:10 PM - 5:10 PM           A) Ethics/Law  Chiropractic WC studies, court decisions, filing grievances & Q&A

By attending this Basic WC seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 8 of 25 zoom hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 8 zoom hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 8 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Precision Health: analyze. adjust. restore, precisely.

Friday 3/28/25 - (9 hours) Zoom: AMA Guides

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM           Introduction AMA Guides, impairment

9:00 PM – 10:00 PM         AMA Guides, impairment (cont.)

Break (10 minutes)

10: 10 AM – 11:10 AM       Impairment AMA Guides, Cervical Spine

11: 10 AM – 12:10 PM       Impairment AMA Guides, Lumbar Spine

Lunch (40 minutes)

12:50 PM – 1:50 PM         Impairment AMA Guides, Upper Extremities

1:50 PM – 2:50 PM           Impairment Lower Extremities Boot Camp

Break (10 minutes)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM          AMA Conversion Rules

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM         AMA Combining Rules

5:10 PM – 6:10 PM         Apportionment under the AMA Guides

Break (10 minutes)

Saturday, 3/29/25 - (4 hours) Zoom: AMA Guides (cont.) 

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM         Apportionment under L.C. §§4663 – 4664

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM       Ethical Billing under 8 CCR §§9793 – 9795 break:

Break (10 minutes)  

10:10 AM – 11:10 AM     Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS)

11:10 AM – 12:10 PM     Report Writing 8 CCR §46 - Review Take-Home Exam

Lunch (40 minutes)

Saturday 3/29/25 - (2 hours) Zoom:  Antibias 

This 2-hour QME session also covers 2 hours/2 mandatory CBCE  hours

12:50 PM – 2:50 PM     Antibias Training (2 hours)

                                     DWC Medical-Unit requires Quiz for DWC credit

                                     Ethics and Law

 Break (10 minute break)

Saturday 3/29/25 - (2 hours) Zoom: California Case Law 

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM     California Case Law in Workers’ Compensation

                                    Ethics and Law

LIVE: CBCE & QME Basic Work Comp – all in 1-day (12 hrs) 04-24-2025

04-24-2025 8:00 am -7:05 pm
Embassy Suites Milpitas - Silicon Valley
4-24-2025 (8 of 25 Hours for Certification that is the requirement for DCs who want to be QMEs ) Register online or call 916-362-8816.

Thursday, April 24, 2025

AC Hotels - Marriott (Sunnyvale/Cupertino)
597 East El Camino Real 
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Reservations: (408) 496-2950

This 12-hour seminar also covers the mandatory 12 hours required by the State Board

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM            A) Ethics/Law  History of Reforms, Laws, Rules & Regs. 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

8:50 AM  - 9:40 AM           B) Principles of Practice  Workers' Comp terminology, Intro to Rating Disability 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

9:45 AM  - 10:35 AM          A) History & Exam  Intro to Spinal Exam and Impairment 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

10:35 AM  - 11:25 AM        B) Principles of Practice  Intro to Apportionment (LC §§4663 & 4664) 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

11:30 AM  - 12:20 PM        A) Ethics/Law  Reporting Obligations of Physician

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

12:20 PM - 1:00 PM          Lunch "Brown Bagger's" (on your own)

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM           A) History & Exam  Doctor's 1st report & Progress report (PR-2) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

1:50 PM - 2:40 PM           A) History & Exam  Permanent and Stationary Reports (PR-3 & PR-4) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

2:45 PM - 3:35 PM           A) Ethics/Law  Chiropractic WC studies, court decisions, filing grievances & Q&A

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

3:40 PM - 5:20 PM           Technique

                                         Instructor: Ulyss Bidkaram, D.C.

5:25 PM - 7:05 PM           Technique 

                                         Instructor: Ulyss Bidkaram, D.C.

  • Turn in Time-slips
  • Visit ICAC website for this coming year's awards nomination form

By attending this Basic WC seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 13 of 25 live hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 12 live hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 13 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Precision Health: analyze. adjust. restore, precisely.

LIVE: CBCE & QME Basic Work Comp – all in 1-day (12 hrs) 06-26-2025

06-26-2025 8:00 am -7:05 pm
Embassy Suites Milpitas - Silicon Valley
6-26-2025 (8 of 25 Hours for Certification that is the requirement for DCs who want to be QMEs ) Register online or call 916-362-8816.

Thursday, June 26, 2025

AC Hotels - Marriott (Santa Clara)
2970 Lakeside Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Reservations: (408) 496-2950

This 12-hour seminar also covers the mandatory 12 hours required by the State Board

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM            A) Ethics/Law  History of Reforms, Laws, Rules & Regs. 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

8:50 AM  - 9:40 AM           B) Principles of Practice  Workers' Comp terminology, Intro to Rating Disability 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

9:45 AM  - 10:35 AM          A) History & Exam  Intro to Spinal Exam and Impairment 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

10:35 AM  - 11:25 AM        B) Principles of Practice  Intro to Apportionment (LC §§4663 & 4664) 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

11:30 AM  - 12:20 PM        A) Ethics/Law  Reporting Obligations of Physician

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

12:20 PM - 1:00 PM          Lunch "Brown Bagger's" (on your own)

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM           A) History & Exam  Doctor's 1st report & Progress report (PR-2) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

1:50 PM - 2:40 PM           A) History & Exam  Permanent and Stationary Reports (PR-3 & PR-4) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

2:45 PM - 3:35 PM           A) Ethics/Law  Chiropractic WC studies, court decisions, filing grievances & Q&A

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

3:40 PM - 5:20 PM           Technique

                                         Instructor: Ulyss Bidkaram, D.C.

5:25 PM - 7:05 PM           Technique 

                                         Instructor: Ulyss Bidkaram, D.C.

  • Turn in Time-slips
  • Visit ICAC website for this coming year's awards nomination form

By attending this Basic WC seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 13 of 25 live hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 12 live hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 13 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Precision Health: analyze. adjust. restore, precisely.

LIVE: CBCE & QME Basic Work Comp – all in 1-day (12 hrs) 08-28-2025

08-28-2025 8:00 am -7:05 pm
Embassy Suites Milpitas - Silicon Valley
8-28-2025 (8 of 25 Hours for Certification that is the requirement for DCs who want to be QMEs ) Register online or call 916-362-8816.

Thursday, August 28, 2025

AC Hotels - Marriott (Santa Clara)
2970 Lakeside Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Reservations: (408) 496-2950

This 12-hour seminar also covers the mandatory 12 hours required by the State Board

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM            A) Ethics/Law  History of Reforms, Laws, Rules & Regs. 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

8:50 AM  - 9:40 AM           B) Principles of Practice  Workers' Comp terminology, Intro to Rating Disability 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

9:45 AM  - 10:35 AM          A) History & Exam  Intro to Spinal Exam and Impairment 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

10:35 AM  - 11:25 AM        B) Principles of Practice  Intro to Apportionment (LC §§4663 & 4664) 

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

11:30 AM  - 12:20 PM        A) Ethics/Law  Reporting Obligations of Physician

                                          Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

12:20 PM - 1:00 PM          Lunch "Brown Bagger's" (on your own)

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM           A) History & Exam  Doctor's 1st report & Progress report (PR-2) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

1:50 PM - 2:40 PM           A) History & Exam  Permanent and Stationary Reports (PR-3 & PR-4) 

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

2:45 PM - 3:35 PM           A) Ethics/Law  Chiropractic WC studies, court decisions, filing grievances & Q&A

                                         Instructor: James E. Musick, D.C., QME

3:40 PM - 5:20 PM           Technique

                                         Instructor: Ulyss Bidkaram, D.C.

5:25 PM - 7:05 PM           Technique 

                                         Instructor: Ulyss Bidkaram, D.C.

  • Turn in Time-slips
  • Visit ICAC website for this coming year's awards nomination form

By attending this Basic WC seminar you may receive up to triple credit as follows:

  • 13 of 25 live hours required to apply and take the QME examination, DWC Medical-Unit, State of California.
  • 12 live hours of CE credit for re-licensure by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE).
  • 13 of 29 hours to be certified by the ICAC as an Industrial Injury Evaluator (I.I.E.).

Precision Health: analyze. adjust. restore, precisely.